Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kumon ASHR Ceremony 2008!

Today was a proud day for us. Not only was our girl going to receive her gold medal in her second Kumon Advanced Student's Honour Roll (ASHR) ceremony, this year also marked the highest ever number of students qualifying from our Centre. A total of NINE students from our centre were honoured this year. But only six managed to make it today.

It was also a little bittersweet for me. This was the first time Wai Ling's parents joined us in attending this ceremony but my dad is no longer around to witness Ashley accepting her medal. We thank the Lord that he was able to attend last year's ceremony and share the joy of Ashely's achievement then.

The ceremony was held this morning at Berjaya Times Square Convention Centre. More than 600 students turned up (this number does not include their families, Kumon Instructors and Kumon staff!) All in all, I would estimate that almost 2000 people attended the event.

Here are some photos of my students. (They're not that great, so i guess maybe it's time to get a better camera!) Will post some more pictures when I get the “official” photos.

From left: Ashley, Terenia (Ashley's classmate from kindy), me, Daniel and Ashley (yup!)

Ashley Lai is in kindy studying Pri. 4 English, Daniel is in Pri. 3 studying Sec. 2 Maths, Ashley Lim is in Pri. 2 studying Sec. 2 English!

Posing with the ORIGINAL worksheets prepared by Mr Toru Kumon (they are already 50-plus year old!)

More than a thousand people packed into the hall! Many cancelled at the last minute or else there would have been much more!

Doogie is almost completing the whole programme! We are so proud of him - he has not given up or stopped progressing though he faced PMR (and now SPM), several hospital visits and even major surgery!

All my students who attended this morning. As usual, my girl has to "do something". Itchy backside like the father!

Chee Seng


Jarod said...

proud of them!!! :)

Kidbux Blog said...

Thanks sharing, Kumon’s learning method takes students through a structured programme involving specially developed worksheets. Kumon constantly evaluates and revises the worksheets of all its programmes to ensure there is nothing hindering smooth progress. More info at: